It's a long story. In 1893, Axis Master Big John created a Latin sailboat scaffold that was named Roger II. Beautiful and robust, he had to carry minerals, and built the shuttle between the southwest coast of Sardinia (Buggerru, Porto Flavia, Piscinas) and St. Peter's Island. There, in Carloforte, was the only repaired harbour in the area, and from there, lead and zinc were loaded onto steam ships and set sail for the Italian peninsula.

The “bilancella” was in service until the early 900s on the galaxies' route those carrying galanza, minerals.
Subsequently renamed Good Heart, it was used for various purposes (freight, fishing, trailer) but eventually it went missing.
A young passionate carlofortino, Salvatore Luxoro, said Sumpagnu had found Good Heart in Olbia in its full abandoned glory in 2000 and decided to restore it.
Ruggero II was rebuilt in 2004 with its original name, and being the only banner left in the area, it has become a symbol of cultural heritage under the aegis of the Historical and Environmental Geominerary Park of Sardinia.
It has participated in several Latin sailing regattas, winning the national championship in 2005. Today it is used for tourism,
and in all official events - proud of its precious historical cargo.
For more information on rentals and reservations call the number (+39) 330 430 091